Essex County Council understand how important flexibility and wellbeing is for our colleagues working across children’s Social Care and that we need to think differently. We have therefore developed a nine-day working fortnight to full time frontline Social Workers within Children’s services.

What is a 9 day fortnight?
A 9-day fortnight is when full time contracted hours are worked over 9 days instead of 10 days on a repeating cycle, with no reduction in pay. The 10th day of the cycle is a non-working day to be taken off. This equates to 74 working hours per fortnight, which is the same as someone working over 10 days in a fortnight.
The working days will be longer, instead of a 7.4 hour day the average working day will be 8.2 hours e.g., 8.30am to 5.45pm (with one hour for lunch).
Is the 9 day fortnight mandatory?
No, you can opt in or opt out of the 9 day working pattern.
Can I choose what day I want off?
Whilst office opening hours will need to be covered, the hours worked can be flexible to the team member with the agreement of the manager. The non-working day is the tenth day of the cycle. This will follow a pattern agreed between the manager and the team member. It should consider the cover needed within the team and the working patterns/hours of other colleagues.

Am I paid less than someone working a 10 day fortnight?
No you will receive the same pay. A 9 day fortnight equates to 74 working hours per fortnight, which is the same as someone working over 10 days in a fortnight.
How many hours per day will I work on a 9 day fortnight?
The working days will be longer, instead of a 7.4 hour day the average working day will be 8.2 hours e.g., 8.30am to 5.45pm (with one hour for lunch). There maybe some scope to work slightly longer days instead of the 8.2 but this will need to be agreed with your line manager.
No – the 9 day fortnight is only available for frontline case holding Social Workers, Senior Practitioners, Team Managers and Service Managers who work in the following teams.
- Assessment & Intervention
- Family Support & Protection
- Children in Care
- Leaving and After Care
- Children & Young People with Disabilities
Does the 9 day fortnight apply to part time staff?
No. Only full-time team members have the option for a 9 day fortnight.
Will the 9 day fortnight affect my holiday allowance
No, you will still receive the same amount of holiday as the 10th day is taken as a day in lieu and not annual leave.

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