The service Transformation team finds simple solutions for complex problems across Essex County Council. We do this through designing ways of working and processes, engaging with service users through user research, helping to develop digital skills and knowledge across the council and through building digital solutions.
We lead on the development of user-centred services for the residents and businesses of Essex whilst our Continuous Improvement team drives forward value and efficiencies across Essex County Council, using Lean Six Sigma and other business analysis techniques. Our passionate and dedicated team is committed to using the government digital service standard, meeting people’s needs in the most efficient, appropriate and sustainable way, whether that utilises digital and technology or not.
We have made great strides, but we know there is much ground still to cover as we continue to work across organisational boundaries and exert pace to keep up with the evolving needs of users and our digital landscape. Essex County Council has begun a new decade of opportunity and we are excited for the huge potential ahead as we become the best local authority in the country.