Dee's Secondment Experience - Essex Secondment Jobs - Working for Essex

Dee’s Secondment Experience – Essex Secondment Jobs

Continuing our secondment coverage, we spoke with Dee Kahn, one of our IT Trainers within Technology Services to get an idea of her experiences surrounding secondments.

Offering a unique take on the world of Technology Services and the intricacies of the field, Dee’s blog is one to read for those interested in the sector:

What job did you second into and from, and when did you do this please?

“My substantive Role was as an IT Trainer within technology services and I seconded into the role of Professional Development Officer within the same function.”

Why was a secondment right for you at the time?

“I wanted to expand my knowledge of Technology Services – the variety of roles it incorporates, qualifications and knowledge requirements, what each team does. This meant I could better interact with the different roles within TS, and utilise their knowledge when developing training resources across the council.”

What benefits did you see/gain from the experience?

“I was able to apply a ‘fresh eyes’ view to manual processes, which I automated using technology already in situ.

I created and maintained effective working relationships across the council with teams/individuals I would not encounter in my substantive role.

I worked with apprentice line managers and the Entry To Work team to run a very successful apprentice recruitment programme for Technology Services in 2023 (the first time I had the opportunity to do something like that). I learned a lot about how recruitment works at ECC, and how we can make the apprenticeship and graduate experience even more effective in Technology Services.”

What advice would you give to someone in a similar situation to you/considering a secondment?

“Ask yourself what can you bring to the secondment?

  • Do you have project or process management experience that you could use to enhance the secondment tasks?
  • What opportunities (people, process, organisational) will you actively participate in/run that will add to your skillset?
  • Set realistic objectives for the secondment. Build in contingency time, and be prepared to revise objectives 3, 6, 9, 12 months in
  • What networks can you participate in?
  • Who can act as mentors within and without the secondment environment?
  • How does the secondment fit with your future career plans?”

Looking for a change in your career? Visit the Essex Secondment Portal today and see what could be in store for you!